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Solesearch - a platform for sneakers companies

June 21, 2021 12:00 PM
Solesearch - a platform for sneakers companies

Imagine you're going to a festival or a cool party soon and you want to wear your new sneakers. We all know what happens afterwards: your shoes get all dirty! What do you do then? Or maybe you want to have your sneakers customised but you have no idea who to go to?

There are a lot of sneaker-related companies out there. On the internet, on social media or anywhere else. Solesearch is a platform where all these companies come together. It is a kind of AirBnB for sneaker-related companies. Below, we interview founder Jochem.


"My name is Jochem and I am the founder of Solesearch. The idea behind this platform started because I actually wear the sneakers I collect (yes really). So these sneakers get dirty sometimes and of course I'm always disappointed about that. After I tried to clean them myself, which only made it worse, I started looking for people who knew what they were doing and had the right stuff for it. It turned out to be a huge market!

Because it is such a big market, it is difficult to find, for example, a sneaker cleaner who lives in your neighbourhood or just someone who appeals to you as a person. I wanted to change that! Initially, I approached mainly sneaker cleaners to be on the website but soon I was able to expand this with other cool initiatives. A short overview of what kind of companies are on the website;

It's really cool to see what kind of people are working on sneakers, especially since collecting and wearing sneakers is a hobby and passion for me as well. You come across a lot of new things when you dive in and that just goes to show how handy it is to have an overview of all these companies.

I hope it helps people find what they are looking for! Please take a look at to find companies in your area. If you have your own sneaker company please send me a DM at"

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