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Download the Sneakerjagers app

Create your account

Create an account with Sneakerjagers and take advantage of numerous features:

- Create a sneaker wishlist

- List your sneaker collection

- Set price alerts on your most wanted sneakers

- Keep track of your raffles in one place

- Set release reminders on upcoming sneakers

- and much more!

Personalise your notifications

Personalise and set your push reminders to stay up to date with the latest releases, restocks, sales and sneaker news.

Release Calendar

With the Release Calendar, you can stay up to date with all upcoming releases.

If there is a release you don't want to miss, then just click on the 'remind me' button to get a reminder prior to the release via a push notification. Underneath the sneaker, you will find all suppliers and the corresponding prices.

When there is a raffle for the sneaker, it will also be indicated.

upcoming releases sneakerjagers app

Sneaker Search Engine

You can also use the search engine in the Sneakerjagers app to find all the sneakers you want.

For example, to find an Air Max 90, just type 'Air Max 90' into the search engine and you will find all the available Air Max 90 sneakers.

Once you have found one you like, you will see which shops it's still available at, and in what sizes.

browse sneakers sneakerjagers app

Latest Sneaker News

You can also stay up to date with the latest sneaker news!

In News you will find the latest articles on sneaker news, rumours, upcoming sneaker releases and much more.

Use the Sneakerjagers app to stay up to date on the latest sneaker releases and news